Unprepared and Under Attack
Cybersecurity has become an increasingly popular topic of conversation in recent years. As the sophistication and scale of cyber-attacks skyrockets, more and more brands are succumbing to hackers, resulting in huge hits to their reputations and bottom lines.
Online retail brands prepare their cybersecurity all year to mitigate attacks, but especially those around peak holiday seasons when more customers are shopping. The sheer volume of online activity during this time entices bad actors to attack and gain exponentially more personal identifying information (PII) like names, addresses, card numbers, and more. Nevertheless, there are always brands that get attacked, even when they think they have a robust security posture.
YOTTAA recently hosted a webinar to educate brands on how SERVICE CTRL, an eCommerce governance solution, can improve their site security and reduce the risk of cyber-attack. Check out the quick video clips below recapping the highlights or watch the full webinar on-demand here.
Anatomy of eCommerce Sites
Learn how complex multi-layer eCommerce sites are.
Layers of Defense
A robust security posture is like the layers of an onion; you need more than what meets the eye to maintain a strong stance.
Want to know more about our client-side cybersecurity offering, SERVICE CTRL? Watch this short clip to hear a brief overview of what we mitigate.
SERVICE CTRL: How it works
Key capabilities of SERVICE CTRL include the granular ability to create and manage content security policies with ease. Listen here to learn more.
Layers of an Onion
There are various ways to mitigate the diverse attack vectors that exist in the industry.
Free tips on how to prevent data loss
Start preventing data loss on your eCommerce site today! Hear some of the tips and tricks from Bob Buffone on what you can do now.